Command & Conquer Generals was the first C&C title powered by GameSpy, that was just over eleven years ago and was the first Commander & Conquer title under the Electronic Arts umbrella! June 1st, 2014 marked the end of an era, GameSpy was permanently shutdown.
Thanks to our fellow commanders at and
Revora, I am pleased to announce that
C&C:Online, the replacement hosting service for the Command and Conquer games affected by the GameSpy shutdown (CCG, ZH, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, RA3) was recently launched and you can still play online!
All the information you need to sign up and play can be found at the new
C&C:Online web site. From there, you can find where to download the nifty launcher you will use to get online. You will need an account at
Revora to log in and play. If you want to use your old GameSpy nick names in C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert, you will need to have your ownership verified in the Revora
Member Management Forum. Read the
Official announcement at Revora to find all you need to know and more.
Quick Start GuideTo play any of the supported games (CCG, ZH, TW, KW and RA3) you need a member account at Revora. The authentication for game log in is taken from that. Create a separate game password when you create your account. The instructions for doing that are here;
In all games except TW and KW, your Revora registration email is used as the "EA Account Name". In TW and KW, your Revora user name is used instead.
Nick names (Online IDs) are created for you if they do not already exist, like they were under GameSpy, when you log in.
To launch CCG and ZH you just need the latest version of
GenTool and then launch the game as normal. That diverts the game IP addresses to Revora.
To launch TW, KW and RA3, you need the "launcher". You can download that from
cnc-online. That patches the game in memory to avoid the EA Authentication and divert the IP addresses.