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Build a gaming computer

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#1 Midwayer12

  • 4 posts

Posted 12 June 2014 - 11:35 PM

Hey All, Loc you especially.

I want to build a gaming computer with my boys.

Lower budget or we can do a slow build and save money till we can buy the better parts.

Can you list the proper parts in order of the build?



AKA Garry Biggers, from ORYGUN

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#2 Locutus


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Posted 14 June 2014 - 05:12 PM

Hey Midwayer! I have three questions...

  • What's your budget?
  • Does this budget include a new monitor, keyboard, and mouse?
  • Do you own your own copy of Windows 7 Pro (on disc)?

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#3 Midwayer12

  • 4 posts

Posted 14 June 2014 - 11:02 PM

Thanks Guys for the input!!

The budget would be around $1,000.00

My boys play various games but I can't tell you at this time how demanding they are. I think planning like videoguy92's might be in order.

I have Windows 7 pro. (Several licenses) 

My son Jesse is going to go through a computer build apprenticeship in a few weeks through here in Portland. They recycle and sell low cost stuff as well as teach people who want to learn.

I was thinking a general recommendation of parts, especially stuff you don't want to replace like the "motherboard". No preference on intel or AMD. I want a good video card but we won't be running high end graphics stuff, just games. Peripherals will be added as needed and when a bargain pops up.

That's all for now. You guys are great!!


Garry (Midwayer12) :) 

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#4 Locutus


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 06:05 AM

Sorry for the delay, we had a mysterious issue with the database that required my immediate attention.


I'll get you a decent parts list asap.

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#5 xBlake26

  • 10 posts

Posted 05 August 2020 - 09:00 PM

I know this was six years ago, but I know a guy in Oregon who is SICK at building PC's. He built me a high end PC and shipped it to me in less than a week's time. I'll send details if anyone is interested. He literally only charges you a small labor fee and you pay the shipping. Either you send him the parts, or cash app him and he orders the parts for and builds it. He's certified to build them, it's his full time job.  :guns:  :guns:

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