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Comanche Spam

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#1 Master Teal'c

Master Teal'c


  • 398 posts

Posted 22 February 2014 - 05:00 PM

Comanche Spam

Comanche spamming is one of AFGs most commonly used strategies when playing against a GLA (Because of it's distinct lack of stealth detection) or when playing 2v2s (Where your team-mate can bunker you up while you build up). Although it is frequently used, many fail to do it properly through factors such as lack of micro, overconfidence in the abilities of USAF and confusion over upgrades. It is an incredibly effective build as, with all USA units, once you reach a certain amount of them, they become near unstoppable.

The Build

Unless your comfortable with the build do NOT sell your CC. This does allow you to use some infantry units to help you early on but Scans and Drones can be useful early on in the game, especially against an army like Stealth or VGLA. Generally Manchie spam straight away is done by this build:

D1 = Dozer 1 (The one you start with)
D2 = Dozer 2 (The one you build)

D1 - Power
D2 - Supply (Furthest from CC, pull it through the CC for a faster start)
D1 - Supply
D1/2 - Airfield - Spam

(Usually you would have to play defensively at first clearing Tunnels and maybe doing some camping while also harassing with the odd Manchie down the flank)

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Although you can have variations. For example on FE (Fallen Empire) you might only have to protect 1 opening while building up so a little camping would help.

D1 - Power
D2 - Barracks (Make Rangers for hunting workers, or MD for Laser-Locking)
D1 - Airfield
D2 - Supply and then Airfield or Firebase and then supply.

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The available upgrades for the $1200 Comanche are as follows:

  • $1500 Stealth Comanches
  • $1000 Countermeasures
  • $800 Rocket Pods

The order in which you purchase these upgrades is mostly situational. For example, should you be Tech RPG spammed early on, you might want to forgo the upgrades altogether at the beginning of the game. On the other hand, should your opponent opt for Dual War factory, the Stealth Comanche upgrade is vital early on so you can effectively harass your opponents supplies. Generally Stealth Comanches comes first as it grants your Comanches the ability to fly around the map without being fired upon (Unless they are detected) however although they may be invisible to the enemy, they can be heard and if damaged, seen. Next in line should be Rocket Pods and then Countermeasures (Which deflects 50% of the missiles fired at them AND increases their armour). The manner in which you get these upgrades varies, some players like to get lots of stealthed Comanches out before they start upgrading, and some use 1 airfield for construction and 1 for upgrading early on. Of course you have to be flexible to the situation but you must remember how crucial the upgrades are even when you only have a few Comanches in the air.

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The Comanches on their own don't always win you the game, there are times in which AFG has to make other units to win the game (A shock!) but most of the functions that these other units would provide could be done effectively with some good PDL (Point Defense Laser) abuse. It can be a pain to constantly be moving your Chinooks off your supplies to aid your Comanches but it does help quite a lot early on before countermeasures as a few rockets takes down a Comanche. So instead of forking out for a War factory and some Towvees to deal with RPG, just bring Chinooks. They might get shot down by quads but they are very easy to replace at $950 and you'll mostly likely come out on top during the encounter. A couple examples of when you would have to use your Chinooks to repel an attack or clean an area are:

  • Clearing Middle - 4 civilian buildings in middle can be a huge pain to clear with rangers or stealth fighters, but a couple Chinooks flying with your Comanches renders them useless and you can quickly kill off any tunnels and deal with the buildings later.
  • Tech RPG Spam - Early on if you get attacked by 2/3 fully loaded Tech RPG that you weren't really expecting or your Raptor didn't get off in time would rip through Comanches in no time, but with 4 Nooks overhead, you can kill the RPG before they take out a single Comanches.

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Splitting Your Comanches

Something I've noticed quite often in games is that a USAF player will use 10+ Comanches on a single Tunnel Network and loose a few of those Comanches to another nearby Tunnel pop. You only need 4 or 5 at the most with Rocket Pods to destroy a Tunnel. If you split up your forces you can clear an area much faster and reduce the risk of loosing Comanches.

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Source: Flamzypants


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