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The Ultimate End Times Topic - Signs Are Everywhere

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#1 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:04 AM

LARP - Live Action Role Play





I updated this post, many things are now struck out like this because it's incorrect. I did not know this at the time but I was buying into the secondary stream of propaganda meant to keep us distracted from the Flat truth. I apologize for that.


The Earth is not a spherical globe, the Earth exists on a flat plane and the truth is all around you. I know you probably don't believe me just yet but all I ask is for you to  see the evidence as it is presented, give this a chance and listen - you can listen and give consideration without changing your current beliefs, it really doesn't take much at all to see through all the lies once you open your mind, I was lucky enough to load just the right set of videos to prove it to me in just one night, I knew the Apollo videos were fake, but my mind told me that we still went to the moon, that they faked the moon videos because of all the alien stuff they found on the moon and in the 60's they didn't have the technology to properly edit out all that alien stuff and it was easier to just fake all the moon stuff to hide the alien artifacts from the public - that's where my mind went once I learned ALL the Apollo videos were fake, I should have thought all of it was fake but because of the indoctrination since birth I still gave these fuckers the benefit of the doubt. BUT HOW I TURNED FROM SPHERE TO FLAT PLANE IS WHEN I found out every video from every space station was also fake, that every space video was fake, that's when I finally had the epiphany - that EVERYTHING WE HAVE EVER BEEN TOLD IS A LIE, THAT THE EMPIRE USUALLY FINDS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH AS THE LIE TO TELL US! The next video I loaded was of amateur rocket society launching a huge private rocket, they had nothing to hide, it had 2 cameras and microphone, it went up to 77 miles and then hit the dome, I fell out of my chair, I began my research from there. I realize now that both times Elon's newest rockets exploded after launch were because they hit the dome as well so I went back and closely re-watched all of SpaceX latest rocket launches, then China launches, and so on, the proof is definitely out there folks!




God is real, Jesus is real and he died on the cross so that we wouldn't have to die for our sins, He is our messiah & savior, and He will return. Heaven and hell and angels and demons and the devil are real.


There is a dome overhead called the "firmament", it encloses our realm and separates the waters above from the waters below. This is God's terrarium, like a flat Earth snow globe. Picture an enclosed dome terrarium submerged in some supernatural body of water.


There is no such thing as space, or planets, or comets, or meteors, no going into orbit, no traveling to the stars, no landing on the moon. The sun and the moon are about 31 miles in diameter and they both are located inside the dome right here with us, they are luminaries placed here by God. The sun puts out positive light that heats and desiccates and preserves and the moon puts out negative cold wet light that causes rot and decay. The 5 visible "planets" are actually "wandering stars" which are also luminaries ordered in place by God. The wandering stars and fixed stars are all some form of energetic life-form that phases between the primary physical shapes, scripture refers to them as archangels. Stars are also known as watchers, some of which are now evil demons living amongst us and they are able to shapeshift which is where all the shapeshifting alien reptile conspiracies come from. Yes they really can take human form, angle form, demon form, any form they desire and any gender they desire. Hollywierd is full of fallen angels and their followers.


Demonic attack and demonic possession are real and do happen daily, it is not like television but it is just as real. It is getting worse, "demon face" is not a psychological or mental issue, people are beginning to wake up and see the true world around them.


To go to heaven please be sure that you do not take the mark of the beast, do not let them vaccinate you either, steer clear of 5G systems, don't believe the fake alien agenda they are not aliens they are demons and fallen angels (the watchers who fell and went against God and created the Nephilim race of giants that still exists to this day, though they are not as tall as they were in the days of the titans). Yes there were titans just as big as depicted in the movies and there just might be again in the time of tribulation. Do not fall from God and Jesus, remain true to God and the light side, do not sin again and ask for forgiveness and repent for your previous sins. We must remain faithful to our creator even if it means we are put to death for our beliefs.


This is the time of the great deception as well as the time of the great awakening. For every step we take back to God, the dark side forces will try even harder to make us falter. For every new truth that we learn, they will try to brainwash us with even more false flag nonsense.


Be safe and may the creator God be with you.







Anonymous - A Message to Humanity


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

Quote William Casey - Director CIA - from the first CIA staff meeting in 1981 (FOIA File)


I've been calling them the "Empire" and there's many other names such as the New World Order, however I feel it important to properly identify these people as we are at war and we need to know who is who. So, who is running the evil empire? They are a Zion satanic cult known as the Freemasons pretending to be Jews when in fact ALL of them are evil Edomites, Canaanites, and Nephilim. They do not worship the bible or the Torah, they worship a satanic bible known as the Talmud.


This is the time of sorrows,

and the Great deception,

and the Great awakening.


The rapture may be soon (2024-2025)


The Tribulation is soon.



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Edited by Locutus, 03 June 2024 - 11:55 AM.

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#2 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:08 AM


Life as we know it will be over soon. What happens next depends on whether we can band together and take a stand against the elite Empire. Even if we win this battle or win the war, life will be completely different once this concludes.



The truth is out there, you can search all of this for yourselves... I've linked only a few videos here but there are thousands of videos from hundreds of different authors, many of them educated professionals, and they're all saying the same things...




Mainstream media is lying to us, they are trying to keep this information under wraps, they gaslight and report propaganda to confuse and manipulate us, mainstream media calls anyone blowing the whistle an extremist or a pseudo-scientist, they blacklist them and threaten their careers, truth bringers are discredited so that we the people will not believe them when they tell us the truth! When hundreds of professionals go against the mainstream to blow the whistle and inform the public about what they are doing to us - it's time to wake the fuck up and pay attention.



We are being exterminated!


Link - Biden And Your Government Are Trying To Kill You



Covid vaccines are a depopulation bio-weapon, if you get vaccinated you will die a terrible death. Most die within short order while a small percentage of the vaccinated are expected to die within 3-5 years. They are calling the vaccine deaths Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. SADS is a lie, there is no such thing as an unknown cause of adult death yet they feed us these lies daily now. Remember SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)? That is also a lie, SIDS is used as a cover for childhood vaccination deaths (proof of this below in a video link). Those of us who got vaccinated as children and managed to survive, well we all got fucked up in other ways, such as autism, sterility, diminished intelligence, ADHD, Diabetes, Epilepsy, heart disease, turbo-cancers, and this list goes on and on.


For whatever reason, the power elite (I call them the "Empire") have accelerated their plans for the New World Order, they have accelerated their plans to depopulate the world, and they are doing it right now, right in front of us, right out in the open, they aren't even trying very hard to keep it secret anymore. Something has changed, something happened, or perhaps their plans were just taking too long to carry out so they kicked into higher gear - I could speculate as to why they moved up their plans (such as perhaps a coming cosmic disaster that they have knowledge of) but the truth is that we really don't know why they are so boldly trying to wipe us out now. World War 3 has already begun, it is the Elite vs the Civilians. Almost ALL of the reported deaths since the Covid pandemic began are vaccine deaths! We don't know if a real Covid virus was released or if the covid virus wave was the first bio-weapon, either way it paved a path for the WHO and the Empire to launch this vaccine campaign and the vaccines, ALL vaccines, are the weapon for depopulation and more. EVERYONE who got vaccinated now has a MAC address! The graphene, the self-organizing nano-technology, and whatever else they put into the vaccines has the ability to replicate inside the body and build artificial structures, it creates a fucking organic modem inside you, once you have a MAC address they can connect to you digitally using either HAARP, NEXRAD, or 5G technology. Upload from you, download to you, track you, spy on you, control you, kill you - anytime, anywhere. Right now there are recently deceased people in graveyards all over the country emitting MAC address electronic signals that can be picked up by off the shelf consumer technology (phones, tablets, etc.). This technology keeps the blood alive after death, it's been coined "zombie blood", this tech continues to replicate and build inside the body months after death, the deceased continue to emit a MAC address for months after death. Are they planning to re-animate the dead at some point? What is the reasoning behind programming this technology to intentionally alter it's environment after death in order to continue executing it's original instructions? Why would you want to continue to form "clots" in dead people for months? We can clearly see in the video evidence that not all of the clots are made of blood, most of the clots are made of this nano-technology self-assembled. So it's not to create clots in the long run, something else is planned.



Link - Spike Protein Disease through sex - Must Watch Video



Do not touch or have sex with a vaccinated person or you will become vaccinated too, the weaponized "vaccine" technology spreads through touch and since we are talking about nano-technology it is highly likely that transmission could also occur through indirect contact. This "vaccine" weapon has also spread from mother's breastmilk to infant and from mother to fetus. It has also been reported that a newly vaccinated person can spread the nano-technology via their breath, that just being in the same room as a newly vaccinated person will cause you to become infected with the technology, and cloth/paper masks cannot filter nano-particles. this is known as "shedding".


Unfortunately, it is also possible that the entire planet has already been infected by this nano-technology and if so this may already be the end, it might already be too late to stop this, but we should never give up hope and never stop fighting for our right to survive and live free. If it is too late to stop the depopulation, we can't let them kill all of us without first making them pay for their actions.



It has been reported that 80% of the world population will be dead by 2025.

Link - Plandemic: The Great Awakening



mRNA rewrites DNA (covid "vaccines" have mRNA) your DNA is what makes you what you are, it makes you human, even more than that your DNA is what makes you homo-sapiens and if you get vaccinated you will no longer be homo-sapiens, you will become a new species, perhaps we should call this species "homo-cyborg". The Covid "vaccines" are not vaccines like what we are used to, they are nothing like the vaccines we got as children, these "vaccines" are not vaccines at all - the Covid "vaccines" are bio-weapons utilizing multiple advanced secret technologies.


It is only logical for us to assume that the Empire will not stop with Covid "vaccines", they will adulterate other medicines and vaccines, we must assume that all medication coming from the big pharma companies will eventually contain this weaponized nano-technology - for their goal is to infect every single human on Earth. Every year they roll out new covid vaccine variants but it is not to combat new variants of the covid virus, they are using the world population as guinea pigs to perfect their technology. Each new release of the "vaccine(s)" is the next level of the technology, might as well call it a version update release.




By the way, the Maui "wildfires" were not wildfires at all. This was a new type of weapon called a Directed Energy Weapon. These weapons are real and they are functional and they have been used. Proof is in the evidence, blue colored objects were not burned or affected and the actual burn paths and patterns were not that of typical wildfires but more precise and surgical. Two weeks before the fires, residents all over the Hawaiian islands recorded green lasers coming down from the sky. This was tracked back to Chinese satellites, they were laser mapping the islands for the coming DEW attacks. At the time of the fires, Russian satellites were overhead. It would appear that China mapped the islands and handed that info over to Russia who then attacked us with DEW weapons. Think Star Trek, think of the phasers shooting from the starships, or think of the game Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour which has a super weapon called a Particle Cannon - this is very similar to what we have now, except the DEW weapons operate mostly outside the visible spectrum, meaning the beam is mostly invisible or if operating near the visible spectrum the beam would look more like a bright reflected sunbeam then a laser beam. Depending on which frequency the DEW is operating, certain colors would be unaffected by the beam, in the case of the Maui attacks it was the color blue. After the fires, the local authorities erected blackout fences all around the burned out areas and kicked out the locals who owned the burned properties, they used the police to kick out the citizens in an effort to prevent evidence of an energy weapon attack from leaking out to the public, this is more proof that our government is definitely controlled by the Empire. This is a very long story and the information is sketchy but it now seems that the elite are carrying out a land grab scheme for the Hawaiian islands - first they surgically burn out the unwanted bits, leaving the expensive elite properties unscathed, and then they grab up all the land for themselves, to what end is anyone's guess.



Link - More Evidence the 9/11 Attack was a False Flag Operation.



The links below are for videos relating to what I have told you above, I cannot embed them to watch here so please click the links and watch on their sites. I did it this way because YouTube is Empire propaganda and they censor all of this, you will not find much truth on YouTube these days folks.


Here's a couple alternatives to Youtube, they don't censor content either, not yet anyway.

Also, everything Google and Microsucks is censored and controlled by the Empire.










LINK - This is a video of atmospheric plasma phenomenon known as HAARP Lens.



LINK - Project HAARP Revelations

High Altitude Auroral Research Program - weather control, earthquake and volcano control, ability to inject ionoshpere and create hotspots, coldspots, lenses, waveforms, etc., ability to coat the Earth with frequencies that they control, frequencies which can be used as weapons against the masses, frequencies which can even be used as brainwave manipulation. They can also use HAARP with other technologies to create advanced scanning systems that allows them to essentially see anything anywhere anytime, through objects, through walls, etc. just like a Star Trek starship planetary scanner.


Link - Hurricane Otis Destroyed Acapulco was DEW Directed Energy Weapon Attack


LINK - Covid is a genetic bio-weapon (Dr. Michael McDowell) - MUST WATCH



LINK - Proof Covid vaccines contain self-assembling nano-technology bio-weapons

Entire Planet Affected - DR. ANA MIHALCEA



LINK - 103 Pages of Horror Just Secretly Released by U.S. Government



LINK - Should celebrities who sold a deadly vaccine that is literally changing all life on earth, be tried for Crimes Against Humanity???



LINK - - "Shot Dead" Movie - Must Watch




I don't know about this one, still researching, take with a grain of salt for now...





Do not get vaccinated, Do NOT allow anyone to force vaccination upon you, not for work not for any reason. They WILL try to force this upon us eventually, we need to fight back right now before it's too late! THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS! Do we sit back quietly and watch the world collapse or do we take a stand? NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A STAND AND FIGHT FOR OUR SURVIVAL! WE WILL NOT GET ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY! They will continue to poison us and depopulate, we must strike now while we still outnumber them and while we still have the strength and health to beat them! We need to band together, we must use intelligence and logic to defeat the enemy - we cannot simply arm up and mob through the streets in vain - this will not achieve anything except for more police action to stop us from rising up. We must band together, all races and colors, forget the fucking racism and trans-humanism they feed us to keep us fighting each other, we are all HUMAN BEINGS! If you want to live beyond the year 2025 then it is time to stand up, band together and take a stand against the Empire (What I call the "Empire" is:  the Elite, the New World Order, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations (U.N.), the secret societies, the World Banking mafia, world governments, etc.). We all must band together as brother and sister, all races and all colors as one species, we are HUMAN BEINGS, not fighting each other but working together in harmony, to fight the Empire.


World War III began long before we were born - This war is Good vs Evil





Start immediately by doing more research so that you know what you are talking about and then continue by getting the word out there, let everyone know the truth, tell everyone the vaccines are an attack, tell everyone we are at war, tell everyone to ignore the racism, wokeism, trans-humanism, antisemitism and all other government propaganda, tell everyone like I just told you - to stop fighting each other, tell everyone to band together as Human Beings not as different races and colors, as brother and sister and fight the Elite Empire. (You don't have to call it the Empire if you don't want to, use whatever vernacular suits you, I call the NWO the "Empire" because I'm a sci-fi fan but mostly because it is the perfect analogy - they have become an Empire and they are evil just like the Empire in Star Wars). Don't stop there folks, we literally are at war but this is new generation warfare and it's like nothing we've ever known, this is like nothing we've even seen in games for they have yet to reveal their most secret technology. This is a fight for our very survival and as many as a billion people could already be dead. If we're to do anything about it we must flood the internet with this information, we must rally everyone out under a call to arms, we must then band together and take a stand against the Elite, and it doesn't stop there but that's beyond the scope of this discussion, for now.




ALL Main Stream Media (MSM) is controlled by the Empire, do not listen and do not trust anything they say or print.

It is ALL lies and propaganda designed to keep us segregated and fighting each other.

When the MSM claims something is misinformation, they are lying.

Fact checking corporations are also liars - they are funded by the Empire.

Do not trust governments, do not trust the authorities, do not trust the mainstream medical establishment, do not trust mainstream scientists. do not trust social media companies, do not trust police acting in official capacity - they ALL have been infiltrated and are controlled by the Empire.

Edited by Locutus, 17 December 2023 - 11:24 AM.

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#3 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:08 AM


Large Scale Wind Structures


This is the cataclysmic playlist to watch!

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#4 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:09 AM



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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#5 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:11 AM

This video was removed from Y/T because it spoke truth - they are censoring all of us!


YouTube pisses on the constitution of the United States of America, daily!






Spirituality - Zen - Enlightenment



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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#6 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 05:44 AM

NASA Black Knight Satellite <- LINK


Attached File  STS088-724-66_3.JPG   309.52KB   0 downloads

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#7 Locutus


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Posted 02 January 2023 - 07:49 PM






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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#8 Locutus


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Posted 03 January 2023 - 10:17 PM

Too many people are making assumptions without correct information. Perhaps I can help steer some of you back in the right direction...




Magnetic Pole Reversal

It is true that we have observed data which indicates the magnetic poles of Earth have changed positions in the past. It is true our mag poles are shifting today. That's it, we do not know anything else beyond that with any certainty. We can try to find patterns in this data and theorize as to cause and effect however there are too many variables to accurately predict what happened thousands of years ago (we simply cannot say with any certainty that pole shift caused something else or whether something else caused pole shift). Today the magnetic poles of Earth are moving at an accelerating rate, what people are not telling you is that the momentum is slowing down, it is possible that the poles have almost reached equilibrium. There is no scientific data whatsoever supporting pole shift cataclysm theory - this is fear-mongering by people looking to turn a profit. We do not know what will happen, if anything, when the magnetic poles shift, other than updating our GPS systems and airport runways.


Solar Dwarf Nova (micro nova) "Subnova"

We reside in an electric universe and our electric star is powered by the galactic circuit (Birkeland current). This electrical input is modular, phased, direct current, and the source frequency, vibration, and energy changes with time. Mainstream science has much to learn in this regard and it may be decades before we can accurately predict our star's past history. Altstream science is still researching, theories are incomplete at this time. Anyone claiming to know anything more than this is misinformed (or an outright liar). We can make assumptions all day long but at present we do not even know what the sun is made of, so any theory by anyone is just that - a theory and nothing more. The most likely assumptions, based on EPEMC, is that 1) heavier elements accumulate in a star over time due to transmutation and are ejected regularly in a subnova event when equilibrium is sought, or 2) changes to input current cause double layers to break down, causing subnova. The truth is we just don't know, however readers should realize that evidence strongly indicates multiple subnova events have occurred in our past and our solar system is currently moving into a new region of the galaxy.


Aliens & Extra-terrestrials & Crop Circles

This is a fun topic! But I shall keep it simple... I believe aliens are not what you think. I believe it is arrogant and selfish for humans to think we are unique in this universe, there has to be other life out there. I just have not met any yet, so I do not know if they really exist. I do know that many sightings are not sightings at all, they are plasma phenomenon, the energy in this part of the galaxy is different and we're seeing new environmental impacts because of this. I do think it is possible that a small number of "alien" experiences really do happen, but without hard evidence it's just another good campfire story. I think our advanced ancestors survived, perhaps on another world(s), and they're keeping an eye on us today, which makes them less like aliens and more like our great grandparents. As for crop circles, many were hoaxes so don't trust a picture by itself - you need to inspect a crop circle yourself or at least read the research published by others. A real circle cannot be faked but you have to examine the crop to make that determination. I have viewed authenticated video of a crop circle being formed, it's definitely made by somebody who is more advanced than we are today, it wasn't made by humans - they are sending ALL of us messages. Crop circle formations are more frequent and more elaborate the last few years, as if they stopped whispering and began shouting at us to listen.


Humans were created as slaves to mine gold

This makes for a great movie plot but anyone believing this nonsense is in for a surprise! It's not true. Think about it, transmutation is not only possible but it happens all around us daily everywhere. I'll skip the science and get to the point - you can make gold from air, or gold from water, or gold from straw, etc. all you need is a higher understanding and a proper education and energy. Advanced beings already know this, advanced beings can make anything they want with technology anytime they want it. An advanced race does not need biological slaves to dig ore from the ground. How about this, forget transmutation - just build robots to do your work. The list goes on and on, there are dozens of means to get what you want without ever having to create a race of biological entities which you then have to teach, feed, and put up with. Building people to do your work for you is the silliest idea I ever heard, I cannot believe anyone actually fell for that. I'm not saying we weren't created, I'm just saying "they" did not create us to mine gold.


The End Is Near!

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The real truth is that nobody really knows what will happen next. We try so hard to understand our place in the universe and we want the ability to see into the future more than anything else. Why? If you worry about the future too much you will miss out on the present. It's true our sun might go subnova in the near future. It's true a cosmic plasma storm could reshape our solar system. It's also possible that our magnetic field could weaken to the point we have thunderbolts of the gods again. Even if we did figure out the previous cataclysmic cycles it would do little good as the solar system is in a completely different arrangement now. Truth is - yes a cataclysm will happen, no we do not know when it will happen.


Pseudoscience Doomsday Death Cults & YouTube

This world is full of scam artists, they prey on emotions and use your own fears against you. Some of these people are making a hefty profit margin from unsuspecting conspiracy theorists. These con artists post official looking videos on sites like YouTube where they deliberately misrepresent academic papers published by real scientists to suit their "doomsday" narratives and beg for more money so they can "bring you more news". Unfortunately there are a few pseudoscience doomsday cults on YT right now, one of them is Ben Davidson. Don't fall for these scams. These people are not scientists, they are not educated, they are con artists attempting to steal your hard earned cash. Example


Technologically Advanced Ancestors

Just look at Gobekli Tepe, or the Antikythera Device, or any of the thousands of other advanced archeological discoveries. We've known all along that our ancestors were technologically advanced. What we haven't been told is that mankind has been around for tens of thousands of years (perhaps even longer) and has built multiple advanced civilizations over the millennia. Our ancestors were more in touch with the universe, they had knowledge and wisdom well beyond our current understanding. They knew how to live in balance with nature and retain spirituality while incorporating advanced technology, we think of them as barbaric people living in stone structures but this is far from the truth. The uneducated barbarians came later, guess who that was. Our ancestors recovered and rebuilt fairly quickly after each cataclysm because the knowledge, research, and wisdom was retained and carried over each event, but something happened in our recent history that broke that cycle, much was lost, and we had to start over almost from scratch after a prior cataclysm.


Our ancestors were educated, technological, intelligent people who built worldwide civilizations, got wiped out by cataclysm and were forced underground for hundreds or thousands of years, re-emerged on the surface to hunt, gather, farm, and re-build a worldwide civilization, then cataclysm strikes again causing another reset, forcing mankind underground again, etc. This cycle has repeated many times in our past, the truth is that we really do not know how many times this has occurred, how many different civilizations have come up from underground shelters to rebuild on the surface just to be wiped out and start all over again. Archeological discoveries are now indicating that advanced humans were building civilizations on Earth as many as 40,000 years ago and perhaps even hundreds of thousands of years ago, and it's highly possible that we have dug up at least 7 previous eras of technological mankind.


We've been taught that humans 5,000 years ago were cave dwellers, hunters and gatherers, and unintelligent cave painters. In reality they were the great, great, great, great grandchildren of survivors of prior cataclysms. Each time cataclysm strikes the surface of Earth is unlivable for hundreds or thousands of years, depending on the nature and complexity of the disaster, so the survivors are always forced to live underground. Eventually the surface of Earth becomes safe again and we crawl out of our shelters and start farming, hunting, gathering, building, and re-building what we lost so many times before.


We are a species with amnesia, we do not know our own past.



Coal is the previous civilization

I have hundreds of images stuck in my brain that I can't shake: an iron kettle made of unheard iron alloy, human bones, a wooden wagon wheel unlike any wheel we know of, plants, roots, and animals all found inside coal deposits all over the world. Not next to the coal, not around the coal, not under or over the coal, inside the coal, part of the coal, partially turned into coal as well. The list of items found inside coal goes on and on, taken together it looks like an entire civilization was buried inside the coal, except that many of the items have turned into the coal - so they are not buried in coal > they were turned into coal. Those things, those people, those animals, that was the material on the surface of the planet when a plasma event hit Earth. During a plasma event of that magnitude, the energy transmutes elements, and people are made of elements. The coal being used today, is made of the people that walked Earth during the last plasma event, approximately 6,000 - 12,000 years ago. This info is still on the web, google "things found inside coal" - but you better hurry as those videos are  disappearing.


Scientific Dating Methods are Flawed

The truth is that we do not have any viable means of dating anything, this is because mainstream scientists are not taking plasma events into consideration at all. Carbon dating, isotope analysis, and other methods are only accurate with materials that have not been altered by electrical means, such as transmutation and synchrotron radiation. The last cosmic plasma event was 6k-12k years ago, this means we may be able to accurately date items to that point but no further, not until we develop new dating methods.


Expanding / Growing Earth

Evidence from around the globe all leads to the same conclusions: the Earth is growing at a slow but steady rate due to mass input from the sun and the Earth has experienced cataclysmic expansion episodes in the past. During solar cosmic plasma events our solar system is overcharged with energy and if a discharge event occurs between Earth and any other solar body a mass transfer can occur. There's also strong evidence to support near instantaneous expansion of a single body without requiring another body as the ether itself will provide the current sink. A very long time ago, a date which we cannot determine using current technology, the Earth was much smaller - all of the land masses fit together and there were no oceans at all - but this was not the Pangaea theory some of us were taught in school (that was BS). It was most likely during the Venus Event when Earth last experienced a mass expansion phase, after which the planet settled down into the slow growth phase we are currently enjoying. Noah's flood was actually much needed because Earth just expanded again and the water already present on Earth was not enough to cover all the new surface area. Fortunately, Saturn tipped her hat and gave us a drink from her newly formed water rings, topping-off Earth's water supply (Noah's flood).


Governments and space programs know the truth

NASA and the US government knows this is a plasma electromagnetic universe and that solar cataclysms occur. In 1958 we experienced a solar flare that caused a lot of damage and drew the attention of the world governments. 90 days later we announced the creation of NASA and shortly thereafter we announced we were going to the Moon. 90 days after we returned from the Moon, Executive Order 11490 was passed. That order was replaced with Executive Order 13603 - We went to the moon and discovered the sun can wreak havoc here on Earth and passed laws giving the presidential administration full dictatorship over the country, allowing them to initiate marshal law (and worse).


THIS ALONE CHANGES EVERYTHING - 150 years of scientific theory out the window

Edited by Locutus, 31 July 2023 - 01:42 PM.

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#9 Locutus


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Posted 05 January 2023 - 06:25 PM

Food For Thought - Conspiracies


Perhaps some folks on YT would like to take it from here.


Gold is being stockpiled all over the world

Gold has always been precious to humans for many different reasons. This insatiable desire for gold dates back thousands of years. Some of you probably know the electrical and material properties of gold, we use it as a conductor and to shield spacecrafts. In the 1900's the US government banned gold for a few years, forcing Americans to trade in all the metal for paper money or face prison time. Governments around the world have been collecting, smelting, and stockpiling millions of tons of gold every year, as fast as we can dig it up and send it to the refineries. Yet our world economy runs on paper money and electrical databases - we don't use the gold we dig up for money. Now why is this? Have any of you noticed that the amount of gold we refine annually does not equal the amount of gold people are wearing? Do you really think private citizens are buying and storing millions of tons of gold every year? We are seriously talking about millions of tons of brand new gold pouring out of refineries every year - only a small portion of gold makes it to industry and jewelry markets - the bulk of the gold is hauled off and stored away in government stockpiles. Our governments tell us the gold sits there locked away as a means of "backing up" our fiat money - to give paper money value - we all know this is complete bullshit. Let's not forget the dozens of Fort Knox conspiracies - all of them claim that place is empty. So what is the truth, what are they doing with all that metal? There's a few conspiracy theories about the Anunnaki creating man as slaves to mine gold for them but I don't believe it, advanced beings don't need biological slaves - when they need gold they just head to the nearest replicator.


Elon Musk & SpaceX

The internet is full of conspiracies about these folks however I'll keep it short. Fact: they are building an underground  mountain bunker next to the launch facility - Elon can't provide space ships for everyone who works for him so he gave them a disaster bunker in the mountains, you know - just in case. Now consider this: If you know a few secrets and you want to build a space program using a handful of smart people who you must share that information with, you have to find a way to keep your people incentivized while also keeping them quite. In this world of whistleblowers and internet, Elon can't take any chances, so he found a foolproof method for keeping his people quite: he builds them a disaster shelter in the mountains and promises them a ticket to his "ark" as long as they keep quite. We've done the math - it doesn't take 50,000 satellites in a very special low Earth orbit in order to provide internet to people in rural areas - Elon and SpaceX are up to something big and it's not providing internet to the world.


International Space Station Live Feeds

The ISS has multiple cameras on board and there's always at least 3 NASA channels on YouTube live-streaming those feeds 24/7. I keep a close eye on those live feeds like many others and on occasion we see things. On occasion NASA or the folks onboard the ISS need to use those cameras and when they do the live feed is switched over to archive footage. There's a station somewhere at NASA with an employee sitting there monitoring those feeds, in case something classified comes into view they can cut the feed. Now what exactly are they doing that qualifies as "classified" and the public is not allowed to observe? Why is it that every week while watching one of those feeds something strange comes into view right before the feed is cut and switched to archived footage of nothing. The Black Knight satellite conspiracy theories all exist today because of an image taken from one of these cameras onboard the ISS. Of course the officials in charge always find an excuse for what we see online.


Holes in Both Poles of the Earth 14 Miles in Diameter - Hollow Earth

The Earth is not as solid as they led us to believe. I don't know how hollow the planet is but it's definitely not a solid sphere.

There are hundreds of conspiracy theories online about the Earth. Expanding Earth and Growing Earth are my favorites because both are true to an extent. Now, in the past I did not give much thought to these conspiracies but then I found the holes on an interactive world map. You can see it yourself, go to this website - click "Earth" lower left of screen to open the options, but if you scroll the planet to either pole and then zoom in - you will see the air currents follow the geological patterns - and at BOTH POLES you will see the 14 mile diameter holes in the planet. I took some screenshots showing this but you really should go to that website and see it for yourself. The Earth is at least partially hollow and there's entrances to the inner space of Earth via both poles. I find it quite interesting that both holes are located precisely at both poles of the planet - I do not believe in coincidence so what does this mean? By the way, if you play around with the options on that map and try different heights in the atmosphere to observe readings, you will still see the holes at both poles at all levels. I found these same patterns on other maps too, so this is real and not computer rendering artifacts.


I found some data indicating the center of the planet may contain a type of plasmoid that is powered by Earth's Birkeland current. The hypothesis suggests the core of Earth to be liquid metal hydrogen or similar meta-stable crystalline metal, instead of iron, and this crystalline core is powered by the BC, emits photons and heats up like a small star inside the planet. This is the engine for magma convection and volcanic activity. There are large caverns all throughout inner Earth, some we know about that are large enough to house a small city so imagine how much more could be down there. If the core contains a plasmoid powered by the BC and emits light, and there's empty space in places large enough for life, perhaps Jules Verne was right after all.



This is real video of the north pole taken from the MIR Space Station

This is the hole at the north pole, one of the entrances to the hollow Earth, the light effects are theorized to be aurora and plasma phenomenon.







Mercury (the metal)

Why did they launch a massive campaign to brainwash the general public to fear mercury? We got rid of mercury thermometers and reclassified it as a hazardous substance, making it nearly impossible to source on a regular market. Why spend millions on such a campaign, why scare the people and keep a metal under such tight control? Why lie to everyone and tell them mercury is a toxic substance when it's actually safe? Because mercury can be used for anti-gravity that's why. Once governments learned a few scientists figured out how to counteract gravity using mercury and electricity they had to get it away from the public as fast as possible so that we would not figure it out for ourselves. Every time we learn or invent something new, something that ruins profit margins for large corporations - the knowledge and the technology is swept away and veiled in secrecy, lies, and propaganda. People have been murdered to keep this knowledge secret - and I just told you all about it - so please be careful out there in this world as the "Empire" is real and they are powerful.


Trust me on this - liquid mercury + energy + frequency + vibration + electromagnetism = a new era for mankind


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#10 Locutus


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Posted 05 January 2023 - 09:08 PM

Alcohol is a dielectric = does not conduct electricity well = bad for a being made of energy (you)

Alcohol is a dielectric, meaning it disrupts electricity, you are made of energy, why purposely disrupt the energy that you are made of just for a buzz and a hangover? Fruits, vegetables, water, yoga, meditate, THC/CBD, and be healthy. A clean psychedelic now and then opens the mind and also has endless medicinal benefits, just steer clear of alcohol if you care anything about spiritualism or enlightenment (or if you just wish to stay healthy) - a beer or a glass of wine a day is NOT healthy for you at all - this is a lie to sell the other propaganda they fed you.


The "Empire" / Secret Societies / "Illuminati" / "Freemasons" / NWO / - A powerful group is in charge -

Most of us believe in "secret societies" hiding the truth, keeping power to themselves, running the world from on high while hiding behind the scenes. I call them the "Empire" as I love a great Star Wars analogy (and my wife got tired of me calling it "The Matrix"). I quit  trying to figure them out, science, discovery, and spirituality is more important. Whoever it is, wherever they are, whatever they are doing, it is not for us - they are serving their needs not ours. They made the rules, they built a system to enforce those rules, they designed the schools and banks and courts and jails and everything else. We live in the world "they" designed. I can tell you this: I think it may be 2 or three groups worldwide (this is based on evidence) and they may not share knowledge between groups, they may even be rivals if this is the case. Either way, they still hoard knowledge from the general public and they spent their entire lives pulling the wool over our eyes to keep their place in comfort while the rest are kept at arms length. Food for thought.


Aliens are in charge of the secret societies?

The Empire is in control of the industrial military complex, the governments, banks, nations, everything. So, I imagine if there was an extra-terrestrial presence here on Earth that wanted to control everything, the Empire would be the group to infiltrate. Though this is far out conspiracy with no proof and I'm trying to steer clear of fiction. However I also have a rule that everyone should live by: Anything is possible!


Is there a god? - "The Builders"

I am a scientist BUT I see intelligent design in this universe, that leads me to believe this universe was initially created by somebody or something. I call them "The Builders" for a lack of a better understanding; for a desire to remain religion neutral, and because we lack direct knowledge of our creators so we therefore don't know what to call them. As for religion - let's be honest - it's time to drop all religions of the world. It's time to grow up and move forward. We can have a moral civilization without false god worship. I have never met or spoken to a god or a builder, I do not even know if they exist, I also do not believe anyone else on this planet has ever spoken to one of the builders. Lastly, my final word on this subject: When and if the builders want the people of this world to know something - they will tell all of us directly themselves - there will be no question and there will be no mistake as to the validity and the authenticity of such an event and this has not happened.


Hollow Moon

Evidence indicates the moon is hollow. First, my research led me to the moons creation from the Earth during the Venus plasma event, I think Wal Thornhill supports this theory but - I am now finding evidence claiming the hollow moon was turned into a base by extra-terrestrials, I also found conspiracy claiming they built the moon too - I'm not convinced of that but the evidence exists and it's telling us something and that cannot be ignored. You can look all of this up and decide for yourselves, it's all online. Conspiracies aside: I have heard the missing astronaut tapes and what our guys said to each other while on the moon was very compelling however it leaves more questions than answers. I did find some moon mysteries during my research, I'll post that next.






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#11 Locutus


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Posted 05 January 2023 - 09:26 PM

Look what I found on Google Moon.

No download necessary, it's a webpage, you can see this for yourself!


Notice that they scanned this entire area with updated high resolution technology. THEY wanted a closer look at this too! Trust me - NASA and many others have even higher resolution images of the entire surface of the moon and they are not showing us those pictures on Google Moon. These images raise even more questions (and concern)...



Here's what I found: (I don't know exactly what this is, do you?)

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Closeup 1:

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Closeup 2:

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Here's where I found those surface features, so you can find them too:

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Really weird right? Doesn't quite look like plasma, yet it does - but what about the circular formations?

The larger circle with all the little circular forms inside looks like a large, round, flat, conductive electrode was placed near the surface and then plasma shocked the area (that's an analogy, not what I think happened, though who knows?!). In any case, this does not look like electrical discharge machining, and I do not believe in coincidence in that site is also the very same site they chose to land humans with research equipment.


What do you think it is?


If you are wondering why the Empire would allow Google to display such damning evidence to the public - it's because those images were released to public archives decades ago and it's not possible to remove all trace of those images from the planet without people noticing. On occasion hard evidence such as pictures, video, or tangible archeological discoveries make it to the public eye before the Empire can sweep it away secretly, they know they cannot keep everything from us which is why they have dozens of contingency plans already set in place for things just like this.


Was the Moon constructed by advanced beings?


Did advanced beings build bases on the moon? If so, why?

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#12 Locutus


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Posted 05 January 2023 - 11:04 PM

Do the Research - Get out of the House - Investigate - Open Your Mind - Question Everything


The most important ability we have as humans is the ability to learn all throughout life. Use it. Go to lectures, go to conferences, search the internet for full videos of lectures and conferences (saves you time and gas money), if you live near a university go talk to professors, talk to grad students, talk to people working with new technologies, tech facilities have tours, get a job in high tech industry, go back to school, hang out with other people who are educated, find local groups and clubs and talk to those people, volunteer for an archeology dig, volunteer to Green Peace for a year, take a sabbatical to another country, take advantage of student/worker/teacher exchange programs, devote yourself to an apprenticeship in a field you know nothing about, go to a library and read books, go walk through the woods, find something that's really interesting to you and figure out the science behind it - educate yourself.


The truth is out there and it is all around us, all you have to do is open your mind before you look with your eyes.



Cataclysm - Date - Known Evidence

Tiamat incursion, Sinking of Atlantis - 14000 or 12600 YBP - YD event, Carolina Bays, Solon’s report to Plato, Gobekli Tepe C, Enuma Elish

The Deluge, mountains? - 10000 YBP - End of Tepe mound event, Nevali Cori

“Divine wind” - 7000 YBP- Rig Veda?

Great Flood (Storm) - 5600 YBP- The Atrahasis and Gilgamesh

Great Comet Venus/Exodus - 3600 YBP- Multiple lines, mound-builders/Adena, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, India, Norse, Greek Myths, China, etc...

Mars/Dark Age of Greece - 2680 YBP- Biblical era texts and calendar evidence


As you can see, a perfectly timed cycle is nonexistent - there are those on the internet who pretend to predict the future based on some imaginary preexisting cycle - don't fall for their tricks and definitely don't give those con artists your money. You can predict the future just as much as the next person, all you need is a head full of the right knowledge. Obviously we humans don't have enough of the right kind of knowledge to accurately predict our futures but we can hypothesize based on evidence, facts, logic, and observational data. Anyone who makes a claim similar to what I told you in private, is just doing exactly what I am doing - using observational data and knowledge to formulate a theory. Using this knowledge and information, you can do it too.




Epochs of Mankind (roughly speaking, incomplete) - EPEMC

1700s CE - Present | Scientific Period  | Modern Age | Age of Money & Finance

100 CE - 1900s CE | Religious Period  | Age of Pisces, and of Productivity and Exploration

600 BCE - 100 CE | Hellenistic Period  | Age of War and End of Paganism

3500 BCE - 600 BCE | Megalithic Period  | Dynastic Age - the origins of Nobility and the Priest-Royal dichotomy

9 kya - 5 kya | Archaic Period  | Age of Destructions and “Clash of the Titans”

12 kya - 9 kya | Tepe Period  | Younger Dryas event | (Moon or comet) | Origins of religious fear of the gods; destruction of Atlantis

36 kya - 12kya | Atlantean Period  | “Dream Time” aka “Zep Tepi” | Origins of language and art | Worship of the “Titans” | End of Purple Dawn

240 kya - 40/36 kya | Antiquarian Period  | Biologically modern man | Pure animism is expected





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#13 Locutus


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Posted 06 January 2023 - 06:08 AM

This is slightly off-topic but still relevant as economical cataclysm is always a possibility.


Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money





To get us back on topic...

Scientists discover Metallic Water

Why is this important? One theory states the Earth's core could be made of metallic water. Another theory places EZ water in the core. Whatever the case, this is yet another state of water we just discovered, we have much to learn.



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#14 Locutus


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Posted 07 January 2023 - 01:56 AM

Listen to the narration of this amazing video, he really puts this into perceptive.


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#15 Locutus


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Posted 07 January 2023 - 04:23 PM

Evidence like this exists everywhere, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


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#16 Locutus


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Posted 09 January 2023 - 02:59 PM



Humans and animals turned into stone via high energy plasma arc discharge and volcanic eruption. Notice also that some of the fossils are much larger than one would expect, indicating they originated from the saurian era. Notice the large stone fish, yes that really was a fish a long time ago that was turned to stone during a plasma event.


Fossilized hand of a giant being, the rest of the body is still buried.

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This is a thunderbolt strike location (cosmic lightning minimum 10 times stronger than regular lightning)

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Fish turned to stone via plasma event.

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Saurian era fossil, turned to stone via plasma event.

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Calling this a cuticle does not do it justice, also turned to stone via plasma event. This is from the time when giants walked Earth, including dinosaurs, when Saturn was our star, Earth was much smaller, and gravity was much lower - opening the door for mega-fauna and mega-flora.

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Pompeii - turned to stone via volcanism and plasma event. Note: they were turned to stone via the plasma event, then buried by the ash from the volcano - these people were not turned to stone by a pyroclastic flow like we were taught in school (there would have been nothing left to put in a museum if that were the case)

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Similar to Pompeii except thousands of miles away and there was no volcano or magma flow anywhere near these fossils, proof of plasma calcification without volcanism.

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Winged flying creature from our past, a creature we were never told existed.

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Ancient tampons. LOL Old fossils turned to stone via plasma event. Note: these fossils were not buried, they were found on the surface as you see it now, there is no basis for fossilization, what turned them into stone without heat pressure and a very specific mineral soup = scientists cannot explain - turned to stone via plasma event.

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Thunderbolt strike location, again this is much more powerful than a cloud to ground lightning strike. A thunderbolt of this magnitude would kill people within miles of the strike due to step potential. Now imagine the entire planet covered in a plasma storm, kinda like being on the inside of one of those plasma globe toys only bigger.

This is dirt and pebbles turned into solid stone which is the exact opposite of the science taught in school - the only driving force for this transmutation is electricity, a cosmic "thunderbolt".

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The entire planet is covered in evidence of recurrent plasma events, plants and animals turned to stone, and the ruins of our ancestors are found on every continent. We have direct proof, physical evidence, that giant humanoid beings lived here and built structures, our stories, myths, religions, and legends speak of this too.


Fantasy is Reality. Why did they lie and hide this from us?

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#17 Locutus


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Posted 09 January 2023 - 07:56 PM

This is an interesting video with Clif High, he covers many topics of controversy. I do not subscribe to all of his theories, some of them are pretty far out there, however some information is quite useful.



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#18 Locutus


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Posted 10 January 2023 - 03:56 PM

More supporting evidence, further proof of:

- Aliens among us here on Earth hundreds and thousands of years ago

- Giants lived on Earth and built structures

- Stone spheres were formed in plasma events

- Reptilian aliens, gray aliens, white aliens, and coneheads are real

- Multiple stone boulders with magnetic glyph carvings - aliens or plasma event

- Advanced Ancient Astronauts

- Our ancestors were more advanced than we are now and something wiped them out

- Old hammer found inside stone, the iron is an alloy we have never produced - plasma event

- Out Of Place Artifacts (OOPARTs) exist all over the world

- Ancestors thousands of years ago harnessed electricity

- Squatter-Man (Perat Plasmaglyphs)

- Mermaid? This is the only picture I could not authenticate. Posted here only because it is found inside a museum-like collection.

- Either our ancestors had a space program or that was the aliens living here with spaceships


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#19 Locutus


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Posted 10 January 2023 - 10:19 PM

This is a compelling video which will convince even the most stubborn skeptics.


We now know for a fact that we are at least the third civilization to inhabit the Earth. I believe our history goes back much further, and this is without invoking conspiracy or aliens. This knowledge right here, without knowing anything else, is proof that we are being lied to constantly by those in power, that we were lied to in school, that schools are still lying to our children today, that the education you paid money for is a lie, that your very history and the truth of the universe as we have been told is all a lie. Now that you know this, what else was a lie? Why are they lying to us? What else are they hiding from us? What technologies have they dug up and reverse engineered? Why are we still paying money for electricity and heating and cooling when technology exists to power the world practically for free? Why are we allowing these liars and assholes to stay in power? Why do we allow these powers to tell us what to do? Why are college graduates not demanding our money back from the lying universities? Why do you still watch the news as if it was reality when you know for a fact it is a lie designed to control you? Why are you still a smartphone zombie marching around every day to the tune of social media knowing that social media is a weapon used against you at every level including psychological warfare - all marketed at you - all designed to steal your data and your money and brainwash you to follow command?


The smartphone is a weapon used against you and many people and organizations have backdoor access, not just the governments - so if you truly desire privacy and more freedom then you will stop using smartphones altogether. Just use a "dumb" phone for making emergency calls when necessary (like we did in the 90s), you don't need GPS or a computer built into your phone, if you want to play games do it at home on the PC or console, you have all the brains you need right inside your head - please people, put on your thinking caps.



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#20 Locutus


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Posted 11 January 2023 - 01:28 AM

Drought’s impact on Mississippi River causes disruptions in shipping and agriculture.

Source: PBS.ORG








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#21 Locutus


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Posted 12 January 2023 - 04:43 AM

It's winter here in this part of the world and for the first time ever in recorded history, we are experiencing our third fog storm in less than a month. A massive dense fog layer covering multiple counties, 200 feet visibility, and zero light from the moon making it through the fog. We've never had fog in the winter time in this part of the country in previous years. Also, the temperature and dew point should not allow for fog yet there it is and you can feel the electricity in the air. Also, a plasma globe light bulb barely lights up right now (used as a visual tool for observing changes in atmospheric energy density). Another sign our electrical environment is changing.


Here's more excellent lectures from Andy Hall. This is fact, this is truth, learn it!






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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#22 Locutus


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 08:24 PM

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#23 Locutus


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Posted 17 January 2023 - 01:30 AM

This could be the most important post in this topic!


So what does all this mean? Why did I post all of this?

This is not a complete prepper's guide, the internet is full of those, this is just the basics...


- If you are not already a "prepper" then you better start prepping now, as long as the stores are still open and things are "business as usual" we can prep - there is nothing wrong with being prepared for the future. The nature of your prepping can stay a guarded family secret of course, you don't need to run up and down the streets with a cardboard sign saying the world is coming to an end - we all know that won't work out well for any of us. Even if you think everything is going to be rainbows and unicorns and anyone saying otherwise is a conspiracy nut - you can still prepare for your future safety and survival. With that being said - yes I am one of those people telling you the world as we know it is coming to an end, most likely sooner rather than later - one way or another it will end and we will enter survival mode. Those who prepared ahead may have a better chance, it all depends on how the shit hits the fan.


- Firearms and ammo will be greatly useful to survivors as long as the ammo lasts, then it's down to arrows and hand tools. Shotguns and handguns are great for defense but a good hunting rifle is a necessity in any gun cabinet when it's time to find food. Stockpile a ton of ammo for each weapon you own. Don't forget about bows and crossbows and swords and knives.


- Staying warm and heating a living area without electricity and gas is vital to survival when there's no utility services. Invest in a heating source and make sure you always have cold weather gear and clothes on hand. Chainsaws are great until the gasoline runs out so be sure to have hand tools in the shed like axes and mauls for cutting down trees and splitting wood. If you don't know how to heat without electricity then you better learn fast. Learn how to stay warm outside and find a backup means of heating your home.


- Don't count on solar power for future survival - please know that it is possible for solar energy to be greatly different than it is now and solar panels may not be able to provide the same energy that they do today. If you already have solar systems please consider also backing that up with non-solar means.


- Water purification is a must if you want to live more than 3 days. What do you do if water no longer comes out of your faucet? What if the surface water is radiated or contaminated and you cannot clean it for consumption? If you have land and can build yourself a water reservoir, that's great but not everyone can do this nor is that very helpful if it's radiated or contaminated with volcanic glass. There are chemical treatments as well as filters for cleaning water on the go in survival mode. You should research this yourself but here's a couple examples to start you down the path: Water Purification Tablets  -  Lifestraw Having the ability to clean and purify water as you go is by far the best option when in survival mode. Reservoirs, lakes, and ponds have to be defended from outsiders and cannot be defended from disaster, a lifestraw fits in your bugout bag and goes with you.


- Have a bugout bag and a plan in case disaster forces you to evacuate your safe haven. Know where dense population centers are located and stay the fuck away from people when in survival mode, remember that discharging a weapon gives away your position and everyone in the area probably wants the weapon you just fired so be stealthy.


- Food - well that's a long story and for security I won't share my story and neither should you. Suffice it to say that you need to have a plan for food, know how to hunt and gather, know how to survive in nature, know how to prepare and store food without electricity, and so on. Of course if you're rich you could always try to buy your way into a 30 year supply of freeze dried food. It is good to stockpile MRE's when you can, be sure to rotate your stock.


- Fortify your home to repel borders and defend against armed invasion - we'll not discuss how we do this here. If you live in a city you should be prepared to defend your home against scavengers, and be ready to evacuate.


- You may have to kill another being in self defense. Don't think twice, don't freeze, and don't miss. If this is not your way then prepare for the worst at the hands of evil people, when the shit hits the fan you will be surrounded by evil people. Know your weapons, explosives, and materials.


- The more you have the more other people will want to take it from you. So be stealthy and logical, don't give away your plans.


- You can't do it alone, none of us can, I hope your plan involves others you can trust because small scattered gatherings of honest people, "clans" and families,  who get along and work together is what it takes to survive a cataclysm.


Know this: There have been dozens of cataclysms in the history of this planet, some reaching 95% extinction of all life on Earth, yet we are still here and we will be here after the next disaster, well... somebody will be here.


- Please do not plan on raids, riots, and looting local stores and business to provide your survival needs when disaster strikes - there will be thousands of other people doing this too and you will be killed if you go out in public to loot - if you do make it to a few stores and grab a few things and manage to make it home alive, you just gambled your life for what a few cans of soup? Think about it - the things you need to prepare for future survival cannot be looted in an afternoon of lawlessness amongst murderous looters. So it is best to have already prepared ahead of time.


- If you are on drugs please get off them now (cannabis is not a drug and I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about hard drugs). Do this for your health. Do this also because you will not have access to those drugs one day soon. Do this also because you will need your wits about you in order to plan and prep properly.


Alcohol is a dielectric = does not conduct electricity well = bad for a being made of energy (you)

Alcohol is a dielectric, meaning it disrupts electricity, you are made of energy, why purposely disrupt the energy that you are made of just for a hangover? Fruits, vegetables, water, yoga, meditate, THC/CBD, and be healthy.


- It is best to assume the electrical grid will be down and electrical devices will not work when disaster strikes. Plan for solar and other electrical generation devices to be nonfunctional, all computer chips nonfunctional, all computer equipped vehicles nonfunctional. In fact, it is best to assume that all electrical devices and machines will be destroyed and nonfunctional when cataclysm strikes and plan ahead accordingly.



What are we prepping for?

The end of civilized life as we know it. One way or another it's going to end, that is fact, how and when it ends are up for debate. The real question is how we behave and treat others and how to survive IF we are among the survivors. I believe I have insight on this but does it really matter? Either I'm right and it's all about to end in cataclysm very soon, or I'm wrong and life goes on. If nothing happens that's great, we pass that knowledge on to the next generations so they can remain prepared. And when cataclysm does strike, well, chance favors the prepared mind.


Pick from the list, all of these are possibilities:

- Solar Proton Event

- Solar Super Flare

- Solar Storm

- Cosmic Storm

- Coronal Mass Ejection

- Worldwide Plasma Arc Discharge

- Economic Collapse (already happening) *8

- War, Civil War, World War (we're already at war don't you see it?) *1

- Sol and Sirius Perihelion cataclysm

- Artificial Intelligence

- Robotic Workforce Takeover (already happening) *2

- Extra-terrestrial Involvement (already happening) *3

- Thunderbolts of the Gods (signs indicate it's starting) *4

- Geomagnetic anomalies and excursions (already happening in Europe) *5

- Near Earth Collision (4 comets in the solar system right now)

- Planetary Exfoliation

- Biological Disaster (COVID global pandemic already happening - 7 million dead and rising) *6

- Collision With Cosmic Body

- Grand Solar Minimum (this is happening right now and for the next ~30 years and may cause disaster) *7

- ETC., the list goes on...


* Any one of those could be a sign for the end of times (and reason to prepare) and we are experiencing eight signs from that list right now people! AND THERE ARE EVEN MORE SIGNS THAT IT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.








If you know me in real life, contact me and I'll fill in the blanks.

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#24 Locutus


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Posted 17 January 2023 - 05:54 AM

Frequency of volcanic eruptions will increase in cycle 26 that can reduce terrestrial temperature.

Volcanic eruptions are known to cause a terrestrial temperature reduction. For example, in 1992-1994 it was a significant cooling on Earth because of a large eruption of ashes into the stratosphere after the eruption of volcano Pinatubo in Philippines. This led to a reduction of solar radiation by 2.5 W/m^2 that, in turn, led to a reduction of temperature by 0.7C. The eruption of volcano Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 led to the reduction of a global terrestrial temperature by 3C. Hence, knowledge about possible volcanic eruptions in the future can help people to anticipate the consequences and to prepare humankind how to overcome these consequences.


In the paper by Vasilieva and Zharkova, 2022,  which will appear soon in the Astrophysical Journal, the authors demonstrated with the wavelet and correlation analysis that there is a strong correlation between the eruptions of volcanos in the last two centuries and 22 year activity cycles of the solar background magnetic field. This 22 years period is associated with the Hale’s magnetic cycle caused by the solar dynamo when the magnetic polarity of leading sunspot  (or solar background) magnetic fields has the full recurrence.

We demonstrate that the largest number of volcanic eruptions occurs during 11-year cycles when the solar background magnetic field has a southern polarity.  The maxima of eruptions in years 1868-1950 correlate closely (the correlation coefficient of 0.84) with the maxima of magnetic field of southern polarity. The next anticipated maximum of volcanic eruptions is expected during cycle 26 (2031-2042), when SBMF will have a southern magnetic polarity that can affect solar radiation input to Earth in the current Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) (2020-2053) (Zharkova et al, 2015 https://www.nature.c...icles/srep15689).


 This finding becomes essential in the light of the Grand Solar Minimum the Sun entered in its magnetic activity in cycles 25-27, or 2020-2053. The solar activity already has shown the signs of reduction of sunspot numbers and formation of active regions,  the further 60-70% reduction of solar activity is expected in cycle 26 owing to the GSM that can lead to a decrease of solar radiation deposited to Earth.


Therefore, in cycle 26 (2031-2042) when the solar background magnetic field will have southern polarity this can cause the increase of volcanic eruptions. This can lead to further reduction of the terrestrial temperature caused by the GSM that can temporarily offset any temperature increases occurred of the last few centuries known as global warming.



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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#25 Locutus


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Posted 17 January 2023 - 07:26 PM

Previously in this topic I told you coal is made of people and other artifacts. Here's some video evidence. I reside in "coal country" where one of the largest coal belts formed in America, so we are surrounded by coal technology and of course... miners. I personally know some miners, we conduct business, anyway... i have personally seen some of the artifacts found in coal and I can tell you these videos are absolutely real - we really are finding a previous civilization in the coal veins.


Coal is the previous civilization

I have hundreds of images stuck in my brain that I can't shake: an iron kettle made of unheard iron alloy, human bones, a wooden wagon wheel unlike any wheel we know of, plants, roots, and animals all found inside coal deposits all over the world. Not next to the coal, not around the coal, not under or over the coal, inside the coal, part of the coal, partially turned into coal as well. The list of items found inside coal goes on and on, taken together it looks like an entire civilization was buried inside the coal, except that many of the items have turned into the coal - so they are not buried in coal > they were turned into coal. Those things, those people, those animals, that was the material on the surface of the planet when a plasma event hit Earth (thunderbolts of the gods). During a plasma event of that magnitude, the energy transmutes elements, and people are made of elements. The coal being used today, is made of the people that walked Earth during the last plasma event, approximately 6,000 - 12,000 years ago. This info is still on the web, google "things found inside coal" - but you better hurry as those videos are  disappearing.


This transmutation event can happen to any civilization at any time, all that is required is a high energy event similar to thunderbolts of the gods. Many theorize a plasma event may happen soon.






3 more videos found in next post - only 3 video embeds allowed per post.



Scientific Dating Methods are Flawed

The truth is that we do not have any viable means of dating anything, this is because mainstream scientists are not taking plasma events into consideration at all. Carbon dating, isotope analysis, and other methods are only accurate with materials that have not been altered by electrical means, such as transmutation and synchrotron radiation. The last cosmic plasma event was 6k-12k years ago, this means we may be able to accurately date items to that point but no further, not until we develop new dating methods.

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#26 Locutus


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Posted 17 January 2023 - 07:27 PM

...continued from previous post, 3 more coal artifact videos...


Also, it's not just coal, we also find these artifacts in stone, and we have dated these artifacts to many different eras. This means that multiple civilizations were struck by multiple cataclysms (thunderbolts of the gods) and they were transmuted and turned into coal, and turned into stone, and who knows how many times this has happened in the past.


...and it can happen to us too.




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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#27 Locutus


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Posted 18 January 2023 - 05:45 AM

Here's some more alien themed artifacts...



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This is really interesting, it's good to know our ancestors were just as horny as we are!


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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#28 Locutus


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Posted 18 January 2023 - 07:01 PM

A few posts above I accidentally posted one video instead of the playlist of 9 videos. So, here's the proper embed. This is a 9 video series about Earth's precession and much more. Watch the nine videos first, then check out the videos below.


I was trying to post all of this in a certain order, to ease readers into all of this before screaming cataclysm. I wanted to show the research, the science, the discoveries, and yes even a few conspiracy theories, and I totally forgot to post these playlists which contain a lot of that science. So this isn't in the order I intended but it's ok, the entire topic taken as a whole is what matters.


Precession Series (9 videos)




Mapping our motion around Arcturus and the Pleiades





This video is also a playlist. Very educational and informative, this is important scientific discovery. I was going to write a whole paragraph about the importance of new discovery and how we were lied to in school, and how the real science and truth may help us survive what is to come, but I'll digress and let ya watch the videos instead. :P


2015 Electric Universe Conference | Paths of Discovery - Playlist (31 videos)


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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#29 Locutus


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Posted 18 January 2023 - 10:32 PM



We have already witnessed and recorded dozens of signs to indicate the Earth is moving into a new phase of existence, everything from weather here on Earth to atmospheres on planets at the other end of our solar system is being affected by these cosmic changes. We are all witness to the transition of Earth into a new cosmic phase, what this means for us is debatable but we can all agree it is inevitable that we will face cataclysm again and we should not loose the ability to detect the signs, we should hone those skills and keep a vigilant eye on the horizon.  - Chance favors the prepared mind -


The following list of signs have already happened, these are serious indicators that something larger is unfolding:


- Massive increase in the type, frequency, and intensity of electrical phenomenon worldwide

- Two (2) new types of lightning were announced recently

- 2003 Solar Storms - A series of solar storms involving solar flares and coronal mass ejections that hit Earth and caused massive electrical damage - We observed red aurora in Midwestern US - Largest solar flare ever recorded at approximately class X45

- 2008 Illinois record earthquake in the New Madrid fault zone - a purely electrical fault zone that was created by arc discharge - this zone should be completely inert according to mainstream physics (in the 80's a New Madrid earthquake damaged homes and structures)

- Communications with STEREO Behind, solar observation satellite, were lost on October 1, 2014

- All data for the STEREO Ahead satellite is missing, the public is not informed as to why there is no data available - we are left only to assume that this satellite was also lost in the solar flare that destroyed the sister satellite STEREO Behind

- Observed Cosmic Ray Intensity has increased by 30% in the last 15 years - as our sun approaches Grand Solar Minimum there is less solar energy to hold back the cosmic energy from the galaxy - this cosmic energy penetrates the solar heliosphere and bombards the entire solar system

- Increase in extreme weather intensity and frequency

- Climate change and climate repositioning

- Increase in drought frequency and intensity

- Increase in flood frequency and intensity

- Increase in Hurricane, Cyclone, and Tropical Storm frequency and intensity

- Increased vulcanism in active hotspots

- Increase in the frequency and intensity of volcanoes

- Increase in seismic activity worldwide

- Marked changes to Schumann resonance and frequencies

- Economic collapse has begun

- War has begun in some places

- Robotic workforce takeover, until no human jobs left

- Thunderbolts of the Gods may have begun - people on the coasts are hearing things, some sinkholes look like plasma strikes

- Geomagnetic anomalies and excursions (already happening in Europe)

- Grand Solar Minimum (this is happening right now and for the next ~30 years and may cause disaster)

- Increase in depression, anxiety, mental illness, anger and hatred, feelings of despair, and feelings of enlightenment too

- Changes to crustal telluric currents and charge density

- Every planet in our solar system has recently exhibited extreme changes

- Pluto's atmosphere evaporated, it's gone!

- The massive storm on Neptune reversed direction

- Uranus has record storms and record aurora

- Saturn super storm hit 10 years early

- Jupiter's big red spot changes, red junior spot was born, cloud bands disappearing and reappearing, radio-frequency changes

- Mars seismic activity is at record highs, worldwide dust storm again possibly due to retrograde action

- Venus' fastest winds are now 33% faster than before

- Earth's magnetic poles are moving faster and have moved beyond their average boundaries

- Earth's magnetic fields have weakened drastically

- The sun is approaching grand solar minimum 2028 - 2032 (this is a cycle of approx 350-400 years)

- Many people have claimed the sun has changed color from yellow to white

- Some are also claiming the sun is smaller today and the color change is linked

--- The problem with both of the above is that I have yet to see any real data to determine if this is true or not. I too feel like the sun is more white than yellow and I do remember a very yellow sun in my youth, I also know we get a sunburn real easy today even on a cloudy day while wearing sunblock whereas years ago we could go outside on a sunny day without sunblock and not get burned - so that has changed for sure but I don't know if the size and spectral output of the sun has changed. What do you people think about this - has the sun changed in your opinion?

- The rumors, the  fake conspiracies, the political lies, the government propaganda machines, all of the regular daily crap that they feed us is getting much worse and more frequent - a diversion - an increase in the oppression from the powers that be

- Supplies worldwide are not drying up - they are disappearing - empty store shelves, scarcity of basic needs and goods in some places - food is being secretly stockpiled in preparation for something big that they are not telling us about.

- The frequency of crop circles has increased over the years, the designs have become more elaborate as well

- UFO/UAP/USO sightings are more frequent

- COVID - I hope by now that I do not need to convince anyone that this is an attack. Regardless of what you do or do not believe about this pandemic you have to realize that we've been lied to about this issue from the beginning, and if they are lying to us then obviously they are hiding something. There is nothing "natural" about this global viral pandemic - population control was just a secondary effect - the vaccines and other meds are stage 2 of the attack - locking down people by the billions is a means of control and the virus is the excuse. Questions still remain as to who was behind this attack, why, and we have yet to discover the primary purpose of this biological attack. So, don't get vaccinated and don't believe anything released by mainstream media in regards to this virus. Wear a mask, use sanitizer, stay clean, stay away from unsafe people and protect yourself and your family. It's that simple. Covid is a means of distraction, to keep you down and under control. Also, just FYI, it is illegal for a company or business (even an employer) to ask you if you are vaccinated for Covid - know your rights.

- Space exploration = 1) The US launched a new military branch: the US Space Force, 2) Elon Musk launched 50,000 satellites into a mesh grid in low Earth orbit claiming it's internet connectivity for rural locations, 3) multiple countries are going to the moon on a regular basis now, 4) we're building another space station to put in orbit around the moon 5) and we're going to build a manned base and mining facilities on the moon, 6) we're planning to colonize Mars, 7) we've launched dozens of satellites and rovers to other worlds recently, 8) NASA has a new secret space shuttle program - it's a fleet of secret military shuttles launched atop a heavy lifter rocket as a payload and then deployed in orbit as a small maneuverable shuttle that can glide back down to Earth after completing a mission, 9) rockets and payloads are being launched into space at an all time record high by multiple countries worldwide - they do not inform the public about the contents and mission parameters of every launch and what they do tell us is general propaganda. Our interest in space and beyond is nothing new, what is alarming is the massive increase in space related traffic and the public is kept in the dark as to why.

- Class X 2.2 solar flare knocked out radio communications in Australia December 2022

- World sea levels have risen by 120m (393 feet) over the last 10,000 years

- The president of Russia (Putin) is a murderer guilty of war crimes.

- 2.2.2023 News: High altitude spy balloon spotted over Montana, our government claims it belongs to China and left it up there to keep spying on us (claimed it would crash down on civilians if shot down over Montana), the government also reported that this is not the first time we spotted enemy spy balloons over American soil in recent years yet this is the first time it has been reported on the news - multiple spy drones from enemy nations in recent years is a major sign of war because those countries have spy satellites so to risk a balloon to get better pictures of American installations is not good - Also we know they are liars so we really do not know what about this news story is real and what is a lie, I'm saying this story does not make any sense at all and that in of itself is a sign we should be concerned about.

- 2.4.2023 News: US military shoots down a Chinese spy balloon over American soil - this is not good

- 2.10.2023 News: We allegedly shot down another object, the size of a small car, over Alaska, details pending. I say "allegedly" because we only know what the liars on TV  tell us as civilians did not observe or record this event. Please, never forget that government and military officials, media, news, everything on television and radio - none of these outlets can be trusted and all media is controlled by the Empire, even movies - the only facts any of us can trust are those which we have observed or obtained first-hand ourselves.

- 2.11.2023 News: THIRD Object shot down by US fighter jets, this time it was over Canadian airspace.

- 2.13.2023 NEWS: FOUR UFO's shot down over 3 countries, NOT counting the China spy balloon

- 8.22.2023 NEWS: Neptune's clouds are thinning / changing, linked to solar cycle.

- 11.07.2023 The aurora has reached southern latitudes 6 times this year, this is a record breaking number of aurora events. In ALL 6 aurora events there were no corresponding CME events, no solar storms over level 5, and no major X class flares to have caused the aurora outbursts - each of these aurora events was from moderate solar activity only, this is extremely bad news. On average the aurora is visible in southern latitudes only 1-2 times per decade, never have we recorded 6 times in 10 months. We know the magnetic poles of Earth are moving and we know the sun is about to reach grand solar minimum, add the aurora events and it indicates the electric field protecting the Earth is failing and the planet is now vulnerable to lower level energetic events.







Most of these signs come from altstream scientists, researchers, and academics, along with a few of my own that I concluded from scientific evidence already presented (for example, the first one is Betelgeuse, this is a local star that might go nova soon and if it does it most likely will over-charge the local galactic chimney Birkeland currents that are connected to this solar system, introducing a massive electrical imbalance to our star and solar system which will then have to find a way to re-balance through equilibrium arc discharges and other electrical phenomena). So, these are serious signs to watch for that tell us cataclysm draws near as we witness more of these signs.


- The Betelgeuse star is showing signs of going nova, this could electrically overcharge our solar system (cataclysm?)

- Mt. Kilauea will not calm down, it will get worse - leading up to the creation of a new Hawaiian island within a few years

- Increased volcanic and seismic activity (more volcanoes and earthquakes)

- Increased solar storms, x-ray and UVA-C penetration, coronal mass ejections, electromagnetic disruptions

- Increase in extreme weather events

- Increase in lightning location, duration, intensity, and frequency

- New types of electrical phenomena will appear

- Anomalous magnetic phenomena

- Gravity anomalies will increase worldwide

- Drastic changes in human and animal behavior

- Increase in electronic failures and computer glitches

- Noticeable changes in attitude, feelings, behavior, senses

- Efficiency, performance, and entropy variables will change as the cosmic environment also changes

- Change in tone and direction of world leaders and other people in charge, perhaps erratic behavior

- California may be among the first of the states to be lost to earthquakes and volcanoes and extreme weather events

- Robots and automation will replace people in the workforce, this will grow exponentially until few human jobs remain

- Artificial Intelligence already exists - A.I. will go public if left unopposed

- Elon Musk and many other powerful people are working to turn humans into cyborgs - this is fact look it up - we must not let this happen

- Watch for changes in size, color, and luminosity of the sun and auroras

- Rapid expansion of the Earth

- Onset of new ice age

- Alien abductions and encounters will increase (if aliens are real, I'm still skeptical)

-- There are some who believe "star people" came down from the sky right before previous cataclysms and that they may do this again

- Keep an eye on space traffic, we might get lucky and catch them in the act

- If the sun expands, we'll see a larger sun during solar eclipses (assuming the moon does not expand)






As titled, these are the final signs to witness right before cataclysm strikes. Our ancestors experienced most of these and wrote about it, that's how we know to look for these signs. So this is real, this is serious, and if/when we see these signs it is time to switch gears and enter survivor mode. The only issue is that we do not know exact time frames, we could experience one or more of these signs for days, weeks, even months before disaster strikes. (for example: we could experience severe magnetic behavior and anomalies for many months or even years before a pole flip occurs - the poles have been moving for 150 years) so we cannot abandon law and order and pretend the world has already fallen just because we experience one or more of the following signs, this is a guideline - it's case-by-case of course.


- Visible change to solar output (i.e. rapid changes to color, luminosity, size, etc.)

- Visible lunar changes (i.e. orbital period, speed, rotation, etc.)

- Aurora in the sky where it doesn't belong (solar flares can also cause this so do not panic, first research it)

- New types of Aurora - Synchrotron Radiation:

---- "squatter-man" auroras may appear and if it does shit hits the fan within short order

- Non-visible changes to solar or lunar activity, unfortunately this requires input from sources that are not always reliable

- If the sun goes dark (or brown) like an eclipse and you know it's not time for an eclipse, it has begun

- Gravity and magnetic anomalies, worldwide gravity events, (i.e: gravity misbehaving in many places)

- Hopi Indian legend predicts a blue star appearing right before the cataclysm

- If spaceships show up, enter survival mode, don't trust the television to tell the whole truth, trust only in what you observe and know as fact, don't freak out - the visitors might be "good guys" however I do advise caution and being prepared for anything - this does not mean go on a riot and hurt others it just means be prepared.

- Betelgeuse Supernova - If this or other local stars go nova it would most likely charge up the local galactic electrical circuit, which would affect the Birkeland current powering the sun



There's many signs to watch for, this is already something we do daily - track what's going on in the world (and the sky). It helps to know what to look for. It is possible to experience signs and indicators for many months and even years before disaster strikes, then again we might only have a few minutes or hours, it all depends on how the shit hits the fan. Our ancestors saw signs in the sky, they wrote it down on scrolls, cave paintings, and carved stone to tell us about those events. They saw signs in nature, in animal behavior, and in themselves.


It's also very important to understand that during prior cataclysms, the telluric energy fields were de-harmonized, (energy, frequency, and vibration was out of phase) this caused massive emotional and psychological distress which triggers major changes in human behavior - many civilizations went to war with each other right before a cataclysm, not because disaster is striking but because they went stark raging mad with uncontrollable anger, hatred, and raw animalistic, barbaric emotions gone amuck. This can happen again, any time the telluric fields change.


We track volcanoes, earthquakes, lunar, and solar activity daily - if I find any anomalies I'll post them here.

Edited by Locutus, 07 November 2023 - 01:49 AM.

  • 1


It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

#30 Locutus


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Posted 19 January 2023 - 07:27 PM

Money (Economy) - Here's an angle very few people ever consider


The people in power print the money we use from nothing, it''s just worthless paper. That paper (and even the coins) are worthless, you cannot eat it, drink it, wear it as protective clothing, or build a sturdy shelter from it. Money will not keep you warm or cool you down, even if you burn it the efficiency sucks. Outside of our fragile economy here on Earth, money is only good for starting fires. You have to spend that money on materials and people who then provide those things, but the actual money is worthless. The only reason our money has any value is because other people say it has value - that's it. The same people also determine what value to place on that money.


So, those people who print money from nothing, then tell us that it is worth something, then they lend us that money and charge us interest. Here's the real kicker - they can lend the same money out to multiple people at a time, up to 20 times or more (that's like me lending you 100 bucks and then lending the same 100 dollar bill to twenty other people the same day - nobody really got the money out of my wallet because it was an electronic transfer, so in reality I only had 100 bucks but i lent out 2,000 dollars using only that hundred bucks - now imagine this on a scale of trillions of dollars). What a great system huh? The banks, and in turn the governments and rich secret societies get very rich, on the backs of the rest of us. We were born into this fiat driven, barter replacement system, so we tend to be blind to that which is happening to us from birth, especially when we are surrounded by systematic lying control freaks.


I digress, my point is I doubt investing in gold or silver or other precious metals will do us any good in a disaster situation. An economic collapse or other type of cataclysm brings an abrupt end to money because we can't use it to survive in a downed economy situation. Food, clothing, water, seeds, medicine, weed, ammo, supplies, water purification, other materials needed for survival and well being - that's something worth trading when money no longer matters. It will be tough to find someone willing to trade you vital supplies for paper money, coins, gold, or other precious metals. We'll have no use for those things, not for many, many, many years.


I hope our descendants learn from our mistakes.


One would think that we would learn from our mistakes however it seems the people in charge are destined to repeat them over and over again.

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It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

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