First Quarter
- Basic vehicles
- Advanced loot distribution
- New renderer
- New Infected AI
- Basic stealth system (infected and animals)
- Diseases
- Improved cooking and horticulture
- Advanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye)
Second Quarter
- Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)
- Advanced animals (life cycle, group behaviour)
- Player statistics ( API)
- New UI
- Player stamina
- Dynamic events
- World containers (Chests, Fridges, etc)
- New physics system
Third Quarter
- Traps
- Barricading
- Character life span + soft skills
- Animal predators + birds
- Aerial transport
- Console prototype
- Advanced communication
Fourth Quarter
- Animal companions
- Steam community integration (Steamworks)
- Construction (base building)
- Beta version
I was Doing a little searching trying to figure out if they had any plans on putting vehicles into the game. I guess They Already Figured I was Looking found this on the Front page
Edited by Gorri56, 30 December 2014 - 02:11 AM.