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All Purpose Yeast Dough

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#1 Locutus


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 01:54 PM

All Purpose Yeast Dough

Make homemade pizzas, soft pretzels, dinner rolls, bread, hamburger buns, and more with this easy to make (and tasty) soft dough recipe.

Prep Time: 60 Minutes
Bake Time: Varies, 14-22 Minutes
Servings: Makes 6 cups dough
Difficulty: Easy
Kitchen thermometer required

1 cup Milk
1/2 cup Water
3 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon white sugar
2 teaspoons salt
5 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 envelope active dry yeast (or 2 1/4 teaspoons) [MUST use active dry yeast, do not substitute fast rise]
3 Tablespoons shortening

Sift flour and yeast into large mixing bowl, set aside. Combine milk, water, butter, sugar, salt, and shortening in a saucepan, whisk while heating. Heat on medium-low heat until solids are melted, remove from heat immediately and cool to exactly 100F-110F. Too cold and the yeast will not activate, too hot and the yeast will die.

Once the liquids are the perfect temperature, add to flour/yeast mixture and knead for 10 minutes. A mixer with a dough hook is perfect for this job however you can knead by hand if you do not have a mixer. Knead until dough is soft and no longer sticky, if too dry add a tablespoon of water, if too wet add a little flour and knead again.

Set dough out on cutting board or prep counter and cover with moist cloth, let dough rise for one hour.

Cooking Directions:
Bake this dough at 400F for best results.

It depends on what you're making, hamburger buns and loaves of bread take the longest to bake (about 20 minutes), while pretzels and dinner rolls bake for approx. 18 minutes. To bake them golden brown on top be sure to lightly brush with egg wash, you can use a whole scrambled egg for the wash but egg whites work just as good. For dinner rolls brush with butter halfway during the bake.

For soft pretzels, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with coarse kosher salt before baking.
For hamburger buns, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds before baking.
For pizza dough, roll out 1/4 inch thick and large enough to fit your pizza pan, coat with corn meal.

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